Upcoming Events:
–February 3 @8:00 Tech Net #15 ~ SWR: What It Is, What It Isn’t
–February 12 @8:00 Zoom Only Session ~ Yaesu System Fusion
–April 5 POTA #4 ~ Goose Island State Park (more details to come)
Monthly – First Monday @ 8:00 PM
Our Tech Net will be held monthly on the first Monday at 8:00 PM. It will include one main topic presented for approximately 15 minutes. The presentation topics will be prioritized by the Tech Net committee with input from CRHRC members. The presentations will be available to net participants for referral before, during and after the net via the Tech Net email reflector and this website (CRHRC TechNet). Following the presentation the Net Control Operator will provide an opportunity for Q&A.
How To Connect To The Tech Net
The Tech Net will be conducted simultaneously on the CRHRC Linked Repeater System, ZOOM (www.zoom.crhrc.org) and NetLogger. Following the Tech Net sessions, the zoom recordings will be available on the CRHRC YouTube Channel which can be found at www.youtube.com/@crhrc. Between nets, you are encouraged to send an email on any amateur radio technical topic to to technet@crhrc.org.
Instructions – How To Connect To ZOOM Session
Instructions – NetLogger Application Setup & Documentation
We Would Love To Hear From You
Your feedback and participation is appreciated. If you have any questions regarding any amateur radio related topics, or have a topic suggestion for an upcoming tech net session, please feel free to reach out to us. Also, if you have any questions regarding the Tech Net in general or would like to join the Tech Net committee please let us know. You can contact us by email at technet@crhrc.org.